we energiSe human performance
on 3 Levels
The Power of Personal EnergyEfficiently managing personal energy is essential for high performing employees, leaders and top executives. This is a big challenge and is quite often neglected. As proven in top level sport, managing personal energy effectively is needed for sustainable performances and to be successful.
The Power of CollaborationIs your team a group of individuals, a performing team or a dream team? Building high performing teams is about team alignment, team commitment and team growth. When these three are present, it helps in retaining current talent as well as attracting new talent.
The Power of Company CultureThis starts with a great leader! The most effective and impacting leaders stimulate productivity, generate positive energy and optimise all the talent that exists within their teams. With many inspiring examples in cultural change, we assess performance limiting mindsets and help you change them into high achieving mindsets.
Know it, do it, live it
Theory is important but we don't follow the book. We extract the knowledge and ingrain it in our minds. Our main goal is to get people into action and to walk the talk. After all, we do originate from sport.
Our mission is to inject the positive energy needed for optimal human performance. We are eager to stimulate continuous improvement towards sustainable performance. Our passion is facilitating the development of individuals, teams and organisations in achieving their personal goals and collective ambition.
More energy
for high performance
Inspired by elite level sports, validated by research and science and applicable to your business. Our coaching programmes challenge and motivate people for better self and people management, improve personal energy, team efficiency and organisational culture.
Sports inspiration
science validation
business application
Over the last 20 years, our team of global coaches has developed a unique methodology to coach all types of performers from Olympic teams to CEOs,
managers and employees. With our background in elite sports, we are addicted to continuously measuring and boosting progress in all dimensions of human performance.
Keep it simple
Make it visible
We energize companies
all around the world
In 20 years we grew to a team of more than 50 coaches all over the world. Every year we coach more than 100.000 people of many global companies. We are extremely proud to be present on most continents!
Ready to energize you, your team and your company?